How to make life simple and happy

In the words of Sri Rabindranath Tagore, “It is very simple to be happy. But it is very difficult to be simple.” A simple life means different to different people. Primarily, if you stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, life becomes simple to deal with. Life by nature is actually simple, but with your deeds and actions, you actually make it complicated. Yet you can work it out the other way round.

Here are a few smart ways to make room for mindfulness to improve your life. Needless to say that not every way or tip will fit your lifestyle, so just handpick them and apply them accordingly.

  1. Recognize what is most important for you in life. Work it along. Keep things simple and short. Do not bother yourself with things that bear less or almost no value for you in life. Try to trash off whatever you possibly can to make life simple. Just move along. You must have the courageous integrity to let go of the life you planned. Doing so might yield you more fruitful results and a much-awaited bright future.
  1. You may be speaking to a number of people day in and day out. All that is part of the social life we live in. But you have to however be choosy in spending your invaluable time with important people, people whose company you truly enjoy, encourage and appreciate. Spending time with people close to heart revitalizes your life and improves your feeling of being more alive.
  1. A famous writer once said these words about life. “The first half of life is ruined by parents and the second half by children.” This means that in any human’s life, at any given stage, you are prone to face challenging situations. Be bold to face them and simplicity will automatically fall in place. Every moment is priceless and the present moment is what is guaranteed for you. This very moment is your life. So don’t miss it. Life rarely gives you a second chance.
  1. Set yourself free from the external barriers in life. Do not keep cribbing over your own back what others might be saying or feeling of you. It is a human tendency that every person in a relationship has certain expectations over every other person. Do not bend and bow against your principles. Enjoy every moment of your life to make it large and yet simple.
  1. Always carry a smile on your face. A smile replies to a smile. It is pretty simple. Having a sense of emotional intelligence, managing your anger and responding rather than reacting to unprecedented situations instantaneously, all of these matter in making your life simple enough.
  1. Read a lot of literature. Observe from close great personalities. Develop your own lifestyle in such a way that you set the ground ready for others to follow you. If you are able to drive home your thoughts and ideas and able to get at least one follower, it means you are already on your success spree to making your life simpler. Now at this stage, you need to settle down with a distilled set of principles and philosophies that reflect your values.
  1. Identify what interests you most. Set aside time for it every day. Cherish every moment you work on that. This is what makes you truly happy and gives a meaning and a purpose to your life making it much simpler to lead and showcase.
  1. You do not have control of every happening in this world. So it is always better to keep your focus and attention on aspects that are under your control and within your purview. Act on them and do not worry about the worldly activities. By refraining yourself from focusing on things you cannot control, you will be bound to complain a lot less. Do not let your name take place on the complaining list. Because those who complain the most actually accomplish the least.
  1. You will have a list of actionable tasks every day. List them all. Divide them into two groups. Tasks that you must do and tasks that you want to do. Trash out the rest. Doing so makes your life utterly simple.
  1. Sitting for long hours and doing nothing all day does not make you busy. Working long is what actually works. Every now and then, pause yourself and check if what you are working on is really worth the effort. Having said all this, it is also important for you to understand that results are always more important than the time and effort that goes into achieving the results.

To sum up, being organized isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a totally different person. It is about living a simpler life by living the way you want to live, cooking it up with better perspectives by change.

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